by Kerry De Vivo
by Kerry De Vivo
Here I am with my first Pilates teacher, Steve Giordano. This photo was taken at the life celebration that followed the funeral service for our mentor Romana Kryzanowska, 27 years after I had my first Pilates session.
June 1986 - that's when I had the great fortune of accidentally discovering Pilates through my dance endeavors. I took Pilates sessions three times a week for six weeks and my body was completely transformed. I knew I had discovered something special.
Fast forward thirty years.... I've been teaching Pilates for over 20 years and have been a studio owner for nearly 18 years. If I have life distractions that pull me from my Pilates workouts, I'm physically and mentally not myself. Pilates has truly become a way of life for me. It's an essential element.
I'm amazed that 30 years later, I still struggle with the neck pull in the Mat work. It is the ultimate exercise to work my imbalances. But then there are other exercises that I've "conquered", such as the long back stretch on the Reformer. I can remember the first time doing that exercises. I remember exactly where I was and recall thinking, "I'm going to crash and burn on this one". Just proof of my favorite Joe Pilates quote "Time and progress are synonymous terms - nothing can stop either.".
What my body needed and was challenged by 30 years ago is different today. But the beauty of Pilates is that it's a system of exercise that supports and challenges my body and mind as I evolve. As a teacher of the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning, I have had the pleasure of witnessing many people develop their own relationship with the work and how they incorporate it in their life. The great thing about Pilates is it is a form of exercise I can realistically say, I will do for life!
Cheers, here's to 30+ more -Kerry De Vivo
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