Pilates Empowerment, August 2013 Scoop

Pilates Empowerment
August, 2013 Scoop
by Kerry De Vivo


The Pilates Method is well know for the use of minimal repetitions to achieve maximum results.  This works, as concepts are visited from exercise to exercise.  Repetitions range from as few at 3 to as many as 100 (but only one exercise uses 100 reps, that's The Hundred).  Typically 8-10 repetitions is a maximum amount.  

Within this scope, there is opportunity to repeat a given exercise AND to repeat Pilates concepts in relating exercises.  But no two repetitions should be the same. Joseph Pilates did not create exercises that are performed for a certain duration of time.  Rather, he chose a specific amount of repetitions where you do your best and move on. In each repetition, we're challenged to consider the needs and purpose of the exercise, and make each rep count.  For example in the Reformer exercise footwork - for each foot position, we have 10 reps.  Rather than complacently pressing out and back 10 times, each repetition is used to get the needs and purpose of the exercise achieved.  Each exercise is an opportunity to grow, deepen, discover and relate one exercise to the next.  

In your next session, pay attention to how many repetitions are called for each exercise. Keep track of them and make the most out of each rep making every repetition distinct from the next.  This is part of what makes Pilates Pilates.
