by Kerry De Vivo
So, the other day, I asked my son, "Which activity do you enjoy the best, swimming, soccer or skiing?" He said, "ALL". I said, pick ONE. He said, "Swimming and skiing, they make my muscles strong the best. I like to get my muscles strong."
His comment caught my attention because I was thinking of these activities as things to do for fun, not for accomplishing fitness goals. And it's interesting how Pilates fits into this concept. One of the many things I enjoy about Pilates is how powerful and comprehensive it is a form of body conditioning. And, one of the many things I enjoy about Pilates is how fun it is. Even within it's challenges, I find it fun, engaging and rewarding. Teaching Pilates and watching others enjoy similar experiences is fulfilling.
I'm thinking, perhaps we should all take the month of February and think about our Pilates workouts and a lap in the swimming pool or skiing down a slope. Pilates exercises WILL provide us with a workout and an increase in muscle strength, but also with some fun and enjoyment. Even when working on your least favorite exercise, try to relate it to the bigger picture of the event, i.e. it's not the time you fall on the skis, it's the whole day of skiing (the lift ride, the swishing down the mountain, the fresh winter air).
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